About Us
Our Mission:
Every child deserves equal opportunity and access to a quality education regardless of their socioeconomic background. Our mission is to empower students, equalize the classroom, and give hope for a brighter future by offering school supplies, educational tools, and incentive items necessary for successful learning.
Our Goals:
Ensure every child in Tulsa County has the school supplies needed for school success.
Offer students hope for tomorrow by empowering them for success today.
Partner with all public schools in Tulsa County where 70% or more of the students are living at or below the Federal Poverty Level.
Provide a wide variety of materials that support successful learning and enrichment.
Grow the organization to support all qualifying schools in Tulsa County.
Reduce the out-of-pocket financial burden many public school teachers face to bridge the need.
Why We Do It:
According to the 2025 Oklahoma State Department of Education Low Income Report, 65% of students enrolled in Tulsa County public schools live at or below the Federal Poverty Level. Teachers from partnering schools reported in The Pencil Box Impact Survey 2025 that 80% of their students arrive on the first day of school without the requested and necessary school supplies, 82% do not have adequate school supplies at home to complete homework, and 84% of the families are unable to provide replenish supplies for their children at the start of the second semester.
Tulsa County teachers report spending an average of $500 out of pocket every year on students and classroom supplies. (Oklahoma Education Association) Working together, we can ensure all students have an equal opportunity to learn and the supplies necessary for success, while eliminating the need for teachers to spend their own money to bridge the need.
How We Do It:
At The Pencil Box, teachers from eligible schools across Tulsa County can select supplies specific to the needs of their students and classroom learning experiences. We provide a wide variety of supplies, including the core supplies like books, crayons, paper, scissors, pens, and pencils, as well as enrichment and incentive items that teachers can use to motivate and inspire student engagement.
Teachers eligible to partner with The Pencil Box must be pre-kindergarten through 12th grade lead core classroom teachers at a public school in Tulsa County where 70% or more of the students are living at or below the Federal Poverty Level. Schools are invited based on the percentage of students living at or below the national poverty level, beginning with the neediest.
The Pencil Box depends solely on the generosity of businesses, foundations, organizations, and individuals to provide monetary and in-kind product donations. Supplies not donated are purchased at reduced prices from partnering vendors. Click below to support our mission today!
Make a donation.
For thousands of Tulsa students, basic school supplies are a luxury. Without pencils, paper, and other essentials, they struggle to focus, learn, and succeed. That’s where you come in. The Pencil Box ensures that every child has the tools they need to thrive in the classroom, and we’re able to do it because of you!